

A sudden leap from one topic to another.

By the creators of the We Are True Blue brands, we’re Ellipsis, a new era of experiences and dining in Wilmington, NC. We believe people are looking for new ways to dine; when you visit us, we promise it will be anything but traditional.

True to its name, Ellipsis thrives on anticipation and mystery until the moment's arrival. Our space marks a dynamic shift in the culinary landscape of Wilmington, offering life-inspired experiences and ticketed events that redefine "going out for dinner." 

While "shopping" on our site, feel free to browse and purchase an array of different events and offerings with us, from themed dinners to unique collaborations with other local businesses and so much more. Ellipsis represents a bold departure from the conventional, and we hope to offer ever-changing opportunities for the new generation of adventurers seeking unique experiences in Wilmington, NC.